Gifts of everyday living tips.

My Umbrellas Sharing Project # Pasir Ris #Elias Road# Api Api River

This is the bird eye view of Api Api River’s Wooden Bridge. Its the only uncovered walkway at Elias Road. This is where I started in November 2017 The Umbrella Sharing Project.

This make me started a whole serials of writing massages on each and every umbrellas donated and all of my own.

I then started the reward system

cup tabs for Xmas and

Saga Seed for Chinese New Year.

Added is  maintenance of this Project: It is an everyday affair; checking that there are always 2 umbrellas at the sites. Taking away damaged umbrellas. and sometimes repairs the umbrellas .  People who destroyed my Hangers. I have to replace them.

I was so happy that the Govt. started  more sites now with the Umbrellas Sharing Project and my is just part of it. I have since, given all my umbrellas and only wait for donors to share theirs. So far this project is a success as the Kampong Spirit of Pasir Ris still live on..

Gifts of everyday living tips.

Hidden Helpers of Our Life. # Pasir Ris Park

Pasir Ris Park is an awesome Park of Mother Nature. As the Park matured, we discovered new types of Birds and other animals coming to live there too. I have posted many Videos of the wonders of animals @ my Facebook.

The Toilets however, are very dirty usually during weekends and holidays. These are not the act of our regulars like me. But the acts of visitors, who do not claim ownership of this awesome park.

Their action reflect a self-respect of themselves.

During our Circuit Breaker period. I found a way to thanks the Toilet Cleaners and uplift their Spirit.

I make homemade mask for them. I am rewarded with their stories of work and their life. They encounter people with bad behavior regularly. People  wasting toilet paper and throw a mass of them on the floor.  Or throw lots of them into W.C. and thus jam the whole system. I guess these are those who destroy my posters too. 

My simple gift  mean so much to these Cleaners. All were so over joy to be appreciated for their hard work. If you like this post. You can start one at your nearby Park too. Let’s take ownership of the Park we visit and help keep them clean.

Gifts of everyday living tips.

Clean Toilet Project @ Pasir Ris Park

As my every morning routine is to exercise at Pasir Ris Park, I claim ownership of it and thus begin my Clean Toilet Project in Chinese New Year of 2010.








These were posted around the public toilets.                                                  









These were posted around the public toilets.                                    








Over the Years, I replace them, Whenever NPark renovated the Toilets. 

These are the acts of the angry Heart- people     

Let us forgive them.

Generally, All Singaporeans are well behaved people and especially the ladies.  I hope this will cause an awareness to All parks users of Singapore and even at any toilets in Singapore. The world consider us 1st class, Lets us live up to this name in our action and thus it will become part of us.

Gifts of everyday living tips.

Stand up for yourself

over my 64 years on earth, I met many seemingly enlightened people. They are so equipped with skills, human assets and even looks. Yet their life are so checked and by the time, they reach 50 plus, they achieve nothing to give them a comfortable old age. They may continue to said all the achievements they got before and the Pride and glory. But the fact are clear. They did not plan their Winter Season of their life.Their Pride hurts so easily that they are closed to any changes for a better living.

So I continue reflecting on these people. They are normally not ASSERTIVE. Most people assume people either are assertive or they are not. They do not see assertiveness as a skill that can be develop. It is the willingness to change that matter most. And it is a good attitude to develop. A good skill to acquire in living life.

What is assertiveness ? – it is simple the ability to stand up for yourself without stepping on anyone else’s toes.  It means communicating your interest in a manner that is clear, direct, specific and considerate.  It is the “Wisdom” between being passive and aggressive.

When you can’t stand up for yourself, you are passive. You may even hurt your own inner Spirit.  However, if you can stand up for yourself, but disregard the rights and feelings of others, you may be aggressive.

Most people who take assertiveness training are passive rather than aggressive. I am such person. I want to balance my relationship, improve my interpersonal relationship with others. I want to improve my low self-esteem and depression. Be responsible of my feelings for self and others. So in that attitude I seek to follow “Mentors” – people I like to acquire their kind of quality of living life.

The ability to say “NO”- Many people find it difficult to turn down a request. There may be cultural norms at play here. A sense of wanting to be polite.

The fact is people often say “YES” when they want to say “NO” because they do not want to offend the other person or seem disagreeable.  But the ability to say “NO”helps you protect your most valuable commodity – Your Time.

There are many ways to say “NO”without causing offence, and they can be learnt and practiced.  For example, simply adding a reason to your refusal, or offering an alternative, can make your “NO”more palatable. Always explain on a noble cause of Why you say “NO”.

The ability to ask  – People often fail to ask for things they need or want because they do not want to trouble others, or appear incapable or demanding.  Yet, they are entitled to many of these things, they are reluctant to ask for. Imagine a new Manager being reluctant to ask for help or feeling too inhibited to delegate effectively. He should learn how to ask without imposing by asking at a good time, being direct and smiling.  Most importantly, he should frame his request from the other person’s perspective, making it easy for the other party to say “Yes”.

The Ability to craft assertive message – There is more to assertiveness than being able to say “NO”and making requests. Suppose you boss does something you know is inappropriate, will you speak out or ignore it?  The ability to stand up for yourself is useful in a wide range of situations. This take practicing our self worth. eg. speak with eye contact, no slouching, speaking without eating up your word. Avoid rambling or making uncertain statement. Apologies and putting yourself down. Speak with authority and at a relaxed pace, express your needs clearly and directly, and be considerate of others.

By treating assertiveness as a set of skills and behaviors that can be learnt, You will enjoy a more fruitful living everyday. By the Way. Learning to accept things given to you is also a form of assertive skill.

Gifts of everyday living tips. Gifts of spiritual sharing. Leadership sharing Gifts

Energy Levels determine your health.

Image result for energy level and positive mindset

A positive mindset, give out energy to protect our health. Here are the grading after much studies.

The Mindset                                                                                      The Energy Level

  1. Enlightening and positive feeling                                               1,000 to 700
  2. Serenity and Blessing attitude                                                                     600
  3. Peace and Joyful                                                                                             540
  4. Love and Respectful                                                                                       500
  5. Rationale and understanding                                                                       400
  6. Forgiving heart                                                                                                350
  7. Hopeful and optimist                                                                                      310
  8. Naturally trusting nature                                                                                250
  9. Peaceful assurance                                                                                            200

  10. Proud and contemptuous                                                                               175

  11. Anger and Revengeful                                                                                     150
  12. Lust and longing for love                                                                                125
  13. Fearful                                                                                                                100
  14. Distress and annoyance                                                                                    75
  15. Indifference and desperation                                                                           50

Mindset that is below 200 are sickly thoughts. These thought helps to make you sick. Lower your immune system. Ever hear of a Bengali Crabs syndrome – In Bengal the crab cage is an open “U”shaped. why then don’t the crab crawl out and crawl away? because for every crab intending to crab away, the others will crawl over them and pull them down.

Health is Wealth. So begin with uplifting each other to a better mindset, for your health sake.

Gifts of everyday living tips. Leadership sharing Gifts

BSF home Training – The Valve of Laughter in the Home

Children look to parents and follow their lead in actions, words and attitude.  Hoe you react, particularly to the unexpected, teaches you child many things. From you, they learn patience, perseverance, flexibility, accountability, integrity, creativity, discipline, humility, kindness, compassion and much more.

Find Humor 

Laughter is an invaluable attribute that helps many deal with unexpected situations, calmly and wisely.  As a parent, are you able to step back from a potentially explosive situation and have a light-hearted response?  Do you always demand your right as a parent to have a perfectly behaved child?  Or are you showing your child how  laughter relieves the tension at some seemingly difficult times?  Have your children already learned to dread facing you when something goes wrong? Or can you and your children find humor in a plan that goes completely awry?

One mother tells of returning home, having left her three children (ages 2 – 7) in the care of their father for the afternoon.  While the father napped on the couch, the children discovered how to dampen blue toilet tissue on the humidifier and tow it toward the ceiling fan, where it was whisked across the bedroom, attaching itself to the wall, curtains, pictures and other items in the room.  he father awoke, only after considerable havoc, to find a thoroughly “decorated”bedroom! Aghast and concerned as to what the mother would do, he was pondering the dilemma when she returned home.  Pause now and consider what your reaction would have been.  This mother surprised both the father and her children.  After surveying he disaster for a moment, she broke into peals of laughter! “What more could I have done?”she said.  Of course, the cleanup began.  The children were told their behavior was not acceptable.  However, a long-lasting image was planted of a mother who could discern between a true crisis and an opportunity of healthy laughter.

Laughter proves to be an effective remedy for stress and tension.  Medical studies point to the significant difference laughter make in a sick person’s recovery.  Consider what value laughter might have in you daily routine.  The daily stress of family and work responsibilities, deadlines carpools and meal preparation make an unexpected situation fraught with tension.  What is your response when little hands accidentally spill a plate of peas, scattering them like green marbles across the kitchen floor? what do you say when large hands in a hurry spill orange juice across the counter?  Are you able to make a fun game of retrieving peas or helping gather towels to catch the spill? Or do you feel compelled on to lecture, scold and punish?

Your child not only responds to your reaction by learns how to behave in frustrating dilemmas.  While there must be consistency and good order in a parent’s reaction, a frequent lighthearted response helps you child realize being an adult is not all seriousness and severity.  Are you putting a little laughter into your child’s memories of family life?

See the light Side

This does not mean facing serious issues of life with frivolity.  It would be irresponsible parenting to approach serious daily routines, outright rebellion by a child or true crises in such a manner.  Everyone must deal with family matter realistically and responsible.  Yet , table manners, disasters in the kitchen, toilet training, adolescent misadventures, school grade, broken windows and spilled milk can all be approached by the discerning parent with a measure of levity, making even serious situations less stressful.  Not all of life mush to aced with a grim countenance.  Often even the hardest moments can be managed successfully, because someone is will to smile and see the lighter side of the issue.  It is never too late to ask God to incorporate laughter into your child’s discipline and training.

Model a Joyful Heart

Your child observes and most likely mimics your reaction to the unexpected. When thunderclouds burst open on the outdoor graduation party, your response of either frustrated any or of light-hearten acceptance will affect your child reaction.  Frantic admonitions against wet feet tracking on the carpet, fading crepe paper stains on clothing or cake crumbs on the floor can make the party an unhappy occasion.  Instead, you are teaching your child how to face the disappointments of life with a laugh, even while leading the children to dry towels, put down a plastic floor-covering for catching crumbs, and with a smile, keeping the atmosphere light and fun.  In the years to come, other events may be “ruined”by controllable circumstances.  Allowing a joyful heart to shine through in these disappointing circumstances provide a model for you child future behavior.

Laugh with Your Child

When was the last time you laughed with your child? How often do you and your child do silly things just so you can laugh together? How many instances in the past did you treat with severity and realize now you could have used humor instead?

No one is the prefect parent.  However, laughter truly is am important attribute for parents seeking to train a child to love, honor and obey the Lord.  Ask God to give you the discernment and willingness to include a healthy measure of laughter and light-heartedness in you home.

Gifts of everyday living tips. Gifts of spiritual sharing.

BSF – recap on Hospitality in the Home

The joy of our last supper

Those who love and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ demonstrate their faith by their actions. Practicing hospitality in the home expresses kindness and love for each other and then able to outflow to outsiders. The Bible provide some excellent examples of hospitality that give glory to God.  In Joshua 2, Rahab, in giving lodging and showing kindness to the Israelite spies, proved her faith by her hospitality and protection for these godly men.  Rahab’s example may challenge patterns of entertaining today.  How frequently do you respond with an open door to opportunities to enjoy Christian conversation and prayer with God’s people?  Is your home a place of refuge from the world, or is it also an appropriate place to practice Christian hospitality?  How can people with special needs know the love of Jesus through you? God gives opportunities to prepare the next generation for Christian service, outreach and hospitality.

Hospitality to Christians – Be alert for opportunities to provide hospitality to others in the church.  Great Christian fellowship occurs when you host missionaries, teachers, visiting pastors and other servants needing a meal or lodging.  God may greatly bless your children through years of meeting His faithful servants He uses to build up His Church.  Times of cordial fellowship make Christian living something to be respected, admired and desired.

Hospitality to No-Christians – lovingly reach out to non-Christian relatives, neighbours, friends and co-workers through your hospitality.  Offer a simple mealtime prayer of gratitude for God’s provision of feed, beverages and friends.  Gracious conversation is an opportunity available to everyone.  Talk about topics that interest your guests.  Your expressed interest in them may open the door to talk about the Lord Jesus Christ.

Hospitality to our Child’s Friends –  Consider opening your home often to your child’s friends.  Your hospitality provides an opportunity to witness to children who may be no exposure to a household that follows Christ.  Interaction with your family may be the first time your child’s friend hears prayer before a meal, sees a godly, loving relationship between a husband and wife, or participates in a Bible devotion after a meal.  God can use your home to open the eyes of children whose home do not display a love, focus and devotion to God.

One mom shares how much God blessed their family as they frequently welcomed children and teenagers for an early morning breakfast or dinner after a busy day.  When school activities occurred, this family offered their home as a gathering place.  The youth were welcomed and blessed to be around a family that loves God and showed interest and care for them personally.  The family extended the unconditional love of Christ to them.  Opportunities like this are a great way to train your school-age children to serve and care for their friends with meaningful fellowship and laughter.

Include your child in hospitality – Begin including your children, from a young age, in special dinners with friends and relatives.  Teach and require good manners from you children at daily meal times.  Ensure that you model the good manners you expect them to show your guests.  If these behaviors are not your family practice, begin today.  Ask God to help you.  Perhaps someone in your church or BSF group can give you some practical advice and pray with and for you as you begin.  Flexibility is essential when entertaining with children.  The best-laid plans sometimes go amiss.  Tired, hungry children may require special care before they become disruptive.  Young children may need a nap or a snack to keep them from becoming irritable until mealtime.  Be willing to give up rigid formality for a relaxed atmosphere.  Perhaps a backyard picnic is better than a formal dinner.  Make hospitality in your home pleasurable and rewarding.  Encourage your children to help in some ways with preparation and cleanup.  Entrusting simple tasks to your children gives them ownership and joy in participating.

Children benefit from interaction with people outside their family circle.  When entertaining Christians, older children learn to recognise and respect godly characteristics.  When entertaining non-Christians, your children see your heart to reach non-believers and learn practical ways to evangelize.  Allow your children to plan some of the activities and to participate in praying for and with the guests.  Practice meaningful conversations that involve both listening and thoughtful response.

Practical Ideas for Meals – Let children help plan the menu, prepare  the food, set the table, serve beverage or make simple place cards that include a Scripture verse or a question to answer.  Your child may want to ask God to bless the meal and your guests.  Plan to sing some familiar hymns or songs your child enjoys.  Distribute one or two questions or topics per person to discuss during the meal time. for example: Describe your most enjoyable vacation.  What is the most unusual gift you have given or received?   What is your favorite book of the the Bible and why? Name someone for whom you are thankful and why.  Name a hero and why you look up to him or her.  At age….., what was your favorite subject in school and why?

Overcome feelings of inadequacy –  Sometimes a feeling of inadequacy causes you to pass up opportunities to influence your children in this way.  The most important aspect of hospitality is not the food or the setting.  The time spent focusing on the person or Christ, learning about the lives of new friends, conversing and laughing together is most important.  The love of the Lord Jesus expressed in genuine hospitality to His people is the goal of Christian fellowship, not the dishes, the house or the choice of food being served.  Thank God for what He have given you, and take pleasure in sharing it!  Do not apologize for what God has given you not not given you.  Use His gifts wisely for His glory!

Gifts of everyday living tips. Gifts of spiritual sharing.

BSF – Recap on Important Biblical Words for our child



the ancient display of the last supper                                                                                                                                     An ancient display of the last supper with Jesus.


As children learn about God and Christian life. We as their parents, are the best teacher God provides to answer our children’s questions and clarify misunderstandings of the Christian life and the Biblical word to grow them spiritually.  Sometimes, adults struggle to put big concepts and frequently used terms into words children can understand. Here are a list for simple explanations and Scripture references to aid our response to our child’s questions.

What is Born Again – you were born as a baby. God gave you physical life and placed you in our family.  That was your first birth.  There is another birth only God give.  This second birth happens when God make a person come alive spiritually..  When a person begins to know, love and obey God, that person is born again.  Being born again is not something a mother and father can do for their child.  God’s Spirit gives this born-again life.  This new life is not something people see, like seeing a newborn baby.  God does it, and it is invisible to our eyes.  Something new comes to life inside a person who is born again, and that person becomes a member of God’s family (JOhn 3:3-8, 16).

What is Eternal/eternal life – Something eternal has always been lasts forever and is unending. God is eternal.  His Word is eternal. His Spirit is eternal.  Knowing Jesus and living forever as a part of God’s family is eternal life (1 John 5:11)

What is Faith –  Faith involves both believing and trusting – believing even when your eyes cannot see what you believe and trusting even when you cannot touch and feel what you trust.  Faith in God and His Son Jesus is believing God  will do what He says in the Bible; He will do (Hebrew 11:1, 6).

What is Glory – Glory is the magnificence and beauty of God; His brightness, more shining that the sun; and the brilliant, shining, powerful presence of God.  God’s glory cannot be seen on earth, although God once allowed three of Jesus’disciples see Jesus’ glory.  God also once let Moses see the very end of His glory as God moved past Moses.  God’s people will see His glory in heaven one day.  Giving God glory means praising God and magnifying His presence and beauty.  Heaven itself is often called glory (Hebrew 1:3).

What is Grace- Grace is he unearned love and kindness of GOd.  God is perfect and good; we are not.  So we do not deserve His kind of love and kindness to us, but He provide it!  It is GOd nature to love us. That is grace (Ephesians 2:8;  2 Thessalonians 2:16).

What is Holy/Holy Spirit – Holy describes God: pure, perfect, totally right, with no sin .  Something or someone is holy if it is part of God or it belong to Him.  The Holy Spirit is God’s Spirit.  The Holy Bible is God’s Word.  Jesus is God’s Holy Son. Christians are holy people because God chooses them to be His own people. And by God’s Grace are set aside by God to live for His purposes.  When we ask to become God’s Believers, We went into a ceremony of Baptism. In the ceremony, God give His Spirit/Holy Spirit to indwell in our body to be our guide, comfort and see us through in life.( 1 Peter 1:15 – 16)  It is a Grace gift from God.

Savior – Savior is another name for the Lord Jesus Christ.  He is Savior because He saves.  To save is to rescue or keep something.  Jesus keeps people from being lost and separated from God by their own sin.  Lost people do not know God.  People cannot find their way to God unless Jesus comes to save and keep them.  Jesus rescues people from living a life without God.  When Jesus saves a person.  He keeps that person as God’s own and takes that person to heaven to be with God when he or she dies (Act 5:31).

The Mezuzah


The above is a guideline of how BSF, children leaders present the Bible to our children. Do not fear. Allow our children to grow in their spirit with God’s word.  It is something that we can’t rush. Amen.


Gifts of everyday living tips.

The many uses of Baking Soda



Personal Care

  1. Make toothpaste – Mixed 3 part Baking Soda to 1 part cold freeze coconut oil as an alternative to commercial non-fluoride toothpaste. You will find your teeth feel really clean. The coconut oil also nourishes your gum. Food taste sweet after that wash.
  2. Freshen your mouth – Put one teaspoon in half a glass of water, swish, spit and rinse. Odours like garlic, durains etc,  are neutralized, not just covered up as in most mouth rinse.
  3. Soak Oral Appliance – Soak oral appliance, like retainers, mouthpieces and dentures, in a solution of 2 teaspoons baking soda dissolved in a glass or small bowl of warm water. The baking soda loosens food particles and neutralizes odours to keep appliances fresh.  You and also brush appliances clean using baking soda.
  4. Use as a facial scrub and body Exfoliant – After washing face, give yourself an invigorating facial and body scrub, Make a paste of 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water.  Rub in a gentle circular motion to exfoliate the skin.  Rinse clean.  This is gentle enough for daily us.
  5. Skip Harsh Deodorant – Pat baking soda onto your underarms to neutralize body odour.
  6. Treat insect Bites & Itchy skin – For insect bites, make a paste of baking soda and water, and apply as a salve onto affected skin. To ease the itch, shake some baking soda into your hand and rub it into damp skin after bath or shower.  For specific tips on bee stings, mix baking soda with vinegar and apply on affected area.
  7. Make a hand cleanser and softener – Skip harsh soaps and gently scrub away ground-in dirt and neutralize odours on hands with a paste of 3 part Soda to 1 part water, use it as liquid hand soap. Then rinse clean.  You can try this adding on honey and cornmeal as scrub for hands and feet too.
  8. Help your Hair – Vinegar is amazing for your hair, but baking soda has its place in the shower too. Sprinkle a small amount of baking soda into your palm along with your favourite shampoo.  Shampoo as usual and rinse thoroughly – baking soda help remove the residue that styling products leave behind so your hair is cleaner and more manageable.
  9. Clean brushes and combs – For lustrous hair with more shine, keep brushes and coombs clean. Remove natural oil build-up and hair product residue by soaking combs and brushes in a solution of 1 teaspoon on baking soda in a small basin of warm water.  Rinse and allow to dry.
  10. Make a bath soak – Add ½ cup of baking soda to your bath tub to neutralise acids on the skin and help wash away oil and respiration, it also makes your skin feel very soft. If you don’t have bath tub, just add that ½ cup to a full cup with water. Then use it like using liquid soap on your body. Soak the rest for your feet. They soften hard skin around your heel. Then file off the hard skin, without damaging your other skin.
  11. Soothe your feet – Dissolve 3 tablespoon of baking soda in a tub of water and soak feet. Gently scrub.  You can also make a spa for your feet.
  12. Add baking soda to your bath water to relieve sunburned or itchy skin.
  13. Pour a cup of baking soda into the opening of your clogged drain and then add a cup of hot vinegar. After a few minutes, flush the drain with a quart of boiling water.
  14. If you crave sweets, rinse your mouth with one-teaspoon baking soda dissolved in a glass of warm water. Don’t swallow the mixture; spit it out. Your craving should disappear instantly.
  15. Add a pinch of baking soda to boiled syrup to prevent it from crystallizing.
  16. To remove pesticides, dirt, and wax from fresh fruits and vegetables, wash them in a large bowl of cool water to which you’ve added two to three tablespoons of baking soda.
  17. Lay down barrier of baking soda under sink-pipe openings and along basement windows to keep carpenter ants, silverfish, and roaches from invading. Roaches eat the baking soda, dehydrate, and die.
  18. Keep your rubber gloves dry and smelling good by sprinkling baking soda inside them. They’ll slip on more easily too!
  19. Measure 2 tablespoons of baking soda and 2 tablespoons of salt… mix this together and store in a small container. Mix 1/4 teaspoon of this to 2 ounces of hot faucet water and swish in your mouth as a mouthwash. This is great for your gums..

Dentist told me that this was better than any mouthwash…

  1. A tablespoon of baking soda mixed with the juice of 1 lemon makes a great face mask. Just apply generously and let it sit for 10 minutes, then rinse off with cold water. It improves skin clarity if used regularly.
  2. Take baking soda backpacking! It does not attract bears or insects, so it is much better than toothpaste. A little under the arms and in shoes keeps you fresh, plus you can wash your clothes with just a little water and baking soda in a plastic bag. Great as camping dish soap as well. Much better than camping soap for personal hygiene, even for washing hair. A little goes a LONG way: half a cup will last a party of 4 for a week! In small quantities, it is not harmful to the environment, but still use baking soda 100 feet away from natural water sources.

For household deodorising – Absorbs and eliminates odour on contact with Refrigerators, Garbage bins, Carpets, Disposals and Drains, Litter Boxes, Dishwasher and washing machines (between uses).

Use in the Kitchen – Scrubs away stains and grease without scratching: sinks, showers, counters, toilets, tubs, tiles, Pots and Pans, Coffee Pots, Ovens, China, & more…..

  • Clean your any silverware with baking soda by rubbing it with a piece of cloth
  • Boil two inches of water in a pan with a burned bottom, turn off the heat, and then add half a cup of baking soda. Let it sit overnight. In the morning it will be easy to clean.
  • Sprinkle a teaspoon of baking soda on the bottom of your toaster oven to eliminate the burned smell from drippings and crumbs.

Laundry – Add 1 cup with liquid laundry detergent for cleaner, fresher clothes. Don’t need softeners.

Gifts of everyday living tips.

10 simple Laundry Solutions

To remove wine stains – from fabric, locate the area of the stain over a ball, cover the stain with salt and then pour boiling water over it.

For endless good odour – Get one of those laundry softeners odour strip and put it in your bag (especially gym bag).  It will keep the good odours going! You can also put it in: shoes, hampers, closets, diaper bags, shoes cabinets and drawers.

To Prevent sweat stains on white shirts – Before ironing white shirts, spread some talcum powder on the arm pits and neck areas of the shirt, to prevent sweat stains, then iron the shirt.

To remove wrinkles from delicate fabrics – To get rid of wrinkles on silk, wool, and other fabric that can’t stand the direct heat of an iron, put a sheet of aluminium foil on the ironing board and place the item of clothing over it.  Use that steam and hover over the fabric several times without touching it.  The moist heat over the metal sheet will help straighten out those wrinkles.

For white laundry – Instead of bleach, add ¼ to ½ a cup of lemon juice to the white laundry cycle, to make your clothes brighter and whiter.

To collect dirt the recycling way – Cut the top part of a bottle of the bleach of laundry soap and use the half with the handle to collect dirt, earth of kitty litter.

To Prevent a rope from knotting – The secret to preventing a rope from knotting is to put a clip near the end.

To keep the sweater in good condition – To keep a sweater fluffy and pleasant, add a tiny bit of vinegar to the washing machine’s cycle.  Fill the cap of vinegar bottle 2 – 3 time to use, and you’ll get very pleasant result. This apply to towels too.

To dry clothes – No more room on the line? Use an old umbrella as a laundry rack.  Hang it upside down on the door handle and use the frame to hang up your dedicates like socks and underwear.